Consider the following three sets:
1. A set, Dog-L, containing an infinite number of Chocalate Labs.
2. A set, Dog-P, containing an infinite number of French Poodles.
3. A set, Dog containing both all of the objects in sets, '1' and '2'.
Does set 3 have more total members than either of set '1' or '2' alone? If you remove half of the objects in set '3', does it have the same number of objects as either of set '1' or set '2'? Once you've removed half of the objects in set '3', is it still the same size?
x = x * .5 ?
Once again, the concept of infinity reveals its incoherent nature. The only way to reproduce these results would be to substitute zero for infinity, above.
posted by onceuponapriori at 6:23 م